3. Call Supported Projects

Projects supported in the program in 3. Call

Strategic Grants:
Foundation for Children of Slovakia
Strategy to promote inclusive education

Main aim and activites:

The Inclusive Education Support Strategy project highlighted the importance of inclusive education and its impact on children in schools and their wider communities. It provided effective methods and practices for teachers and school professionals, emphasizing the education of all children.

The project facilitated discussions about education at all levels within local governments—from founders to providers, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders. It created a valuable space for dialogue among representatives from various cities, including school officials, kindergarten and primary school teachers, parents, parliamentarians, and non-profit sector representatives. Participating municipalities, as well as similar ones across Slovakia, received practical guidelines and effective methods for inclusive education through the publication “Strategy for the Promotion of Inclusive Education for Municipalities.”

School representatives attended experiential learning workshops, which led to a one-day conference and a subsequent workshop for local governments. The project also shared its innovative approach to education through four articles on good practices in schools and municipalities in Slovakia, reaching a wider audience. These efforts provided universal solutions to address or prevent educational challenges faced by schools in different regions of Slovakia.

Project timeline: 10/2021 – 10/2023

Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 91 503,33 €
Grant amount:
 82 353,00 €

2. Call Supported Projects

Projects supported in the program in 2. Call

Medium Grants:
Advocacy for sustainable mobility for all

Main aim and activites:

The project responded to the unsatisfactory state of sustainable mobility in Slovakia, especially walking and cycling.
To the greatest extent, the project focused on improving national policies on sustainable mobility. Among the most significant results not only within the project, but in the overall efforts to improve legislation over the last 10 years, is the amendment of the Road Traffic Act, which brought a number of changes in favour of pedestrians and cyclists based on the proposals of the Cyclocoalition.

A number of decisions have been influenced at local level in several Slovak cities. In Bratislava, for example zoning plans, or dozens of constructions were directly influenced through involvement in permitting processes as part of advocacy activities. In other cities it was mainly the development of local civic initiatives (e.g. Ružomberok, Košice, Liptovský Mikuláš).

An important moment of the project was the conference CycloCities 2022, which was organized by the project implementers in May 2022 in Trnava with the participation of leading Slovak and foreign speakers, including representatives of the partner city Reykjavík. Among the participants were the Minister of Transport, members of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic, as well as civic activists.

Project timeline: 10/2020 – 12/2022

Project Partner 1: City of Reykjavik, Department of Environment and Planning
Project Partner 2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 71,480 €
Grant amount: 64,332 €

Strategic Grants:
Transparency International Slovensko
Where our money go to?

Main aim and activites:

The project “Who is our money flowing to?” was necessary due to the lack of control over the state’s dealings with the private sector and to strengthen the functioning of the anti-defraud law. It was also intended to involve the public in this scrutiny by providing detailed information on the ownership of tourism facilities. With this information, the public can become aware of the importance of transparency in ownership structures and use their money more for ethical purchases.

Main activities carried out – analysing the ownership structures of tourism establishments, pushing through proposals to improve the functioning of the law, involving the civil public in the fight against corruption, public opinion surveys on the ethicality of tourism purchasing.

Main results of the project – a map of hotels and tourism facilities revealing their ownership structure, comments on the anti-corruption register, sharing of international experience on the issue at an international conference organised in Bratislava, trained citizens, published blogs and studies on the topic.

Project timeline: 06/2020 – 05/2023

Project Partner 1: Transparency International Norway
Project Partner 2: Tax Justice Network

Project eligible expenditure: 133.326,67 €
Grant amount: 119,994 €

1. Call Supported Projects

Projects supported in the program in 1. Call

Medium Grants:
Less barrier for more nature benefits

Main aim and activites:

In Slovakia, application of natural tourism in practice is very problematic and it lacks conceptual and legislative support. Thanks to the project, and in cooperation with VIA IURIS organisation, the project promoters prepared a legal analysis of the current state of thematically related legislation of the relevant ministries. At the same time, prepared 3 proposals for specific legislative changes at the national level (Forest Act, Nature Conservation and Mountain Rescue Service). The project promoters also analyzed the status of related strategic documents and prepared 2 pilot proposals for natural tourism development strategies. Due to circumstances and societal constraints, the project promoters have not yet been able to enforce legislative changes at the national level, as well as proposals for regional policies. But, have been involved in the process of approving new nature reserves in the UNESCO World Heritage site and have contributed to the declaration of the Veľký Bukovec nature reserve.

The project promoters have also been involved in the EIA process, in petitions or in commenting on the zoning plan of national parks. The project promoters created 3 nature tourism platforms, established 11 new partnerships and involved almost 5,000 people.

Project timeline: 06/2019 – 07/2021

Project Partner 1: Linking Tourism & Conservation Society (LT&C)
Project Partner 2: VIA IURIS

Project eligible expenditure: 79 969,50  €
Grant amount: 71 972 €

Strategic Grants:
Children don’t wait!

Main aim and activites:

The project was focused on developing network of stakeholders in education and enhancing this network to the level of permanent Platform, in short called SKAV. The Platform contributes to regional and national legislative processes in the field of education with its expertise and insights.

The project promoter developed a network of 12 stakeholders in education in 8 regions of Slovakia and all together constituted the National Platform SKAV. All activities done by the project promoter throughout this project led to a memorandum of 70 members called Partnership for education 2030+. The project promoter hosted numerous public debates, many of which were streamed online. The project promoter was involved in legislative processes and made a significant contribution to the expert debates on the legislation of education in Slovakia, proceeded comments to the project “Programme Slovakia” and participated in the project “Recovery Plan”. The project promoter has become an authority and appreciated partner with expertise in the field of education. All the job made was strengthened by an international partner from Island and both partners are planning to follow up on established cooperation.

Thanks to activities in this project, the project promoter had an unexpected opportunity to launch an educational TV show for Roma children called “Tumenca Khere”.

Project timeline: 07/2019 – 08/2022

Project Partner 1: Spolok SKIS – félag slóvakíska á Íslandi
Project Partner 2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 105,645.56 €
Grant amount: 95,081 €
