3. Call Supported projects

Projects supported in the program in 3. Call – Medium and Strategic Grants.

Občianske Združenie kRaj
About bees and humans

Main aim and activites:

Wild bee species, including honeybees, are crucial pollinators for both cultivated and wild plants. Without them, there would be a decline in biodiversity and subsequent disruption of the ecosystem and food chain. The existence of bees not only impacts other animals but also has implications for humans.

The project addressed one of the significant contemporary challenges—the decline of pollinators—while simultaneously fostering collaboration among organizations dedicated to this issue. The project focused on strengthening the applicant, the civic association kRaj, in the areas of management, communication, and campaign creation within the selected topic of pollinator decline. Additionally, the project responded to the need of the project implementer to enhance its position among civic organizations and establish a common platform for organizations to create a national plan for the protection of pollinators. The association aimed to raise public awareness on this issue and connect it with fundraising efforts, contributing to financial stability.

The project significantly helped stabilize the organization internally, both in terms of management and finances. Thanks to the support from the ACF – Slovakia program, the project implementers established strong partnerships with the private and public sectors, enabling them to continue their activities even after the project’s completion. Not only did the organization itself develop, but also a Network of Organizations Educating about Bees and Pollinators was created. A notable success of the project was the collaboration with the Norwegian organization Mangfolk, where project implementers exchanged know-how, inspired each other, and received education in the field of pollinator-related projects.

Project timeline: 11/2021 – 11/2023

Project partner1: Mangfolk, Nórsko
Project partner2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 85,957.78 €
Project grant: 77,362 €

2. Call Supported projects

Projects supported in the program in 2. Call – Medium and Strategic Grants.

Medium Grants:

Bašta – a Space for Civic Activities

Main aim and activites:

The project was a milestone that moved the Different civic association towards greater professionalisation in their work, created space for consolidating old and creating new networks, improved internal functioning and kick-started the renovation of another floor in Bašta, which provides space for more activities.

As a team, the civic association went through longer-term internal trainings (fundraising, organization management) that helped the team members to find a system in the running processes, to make their work more efficient and transparent, and to set up key activities for a longer period of time. Closer cooperation with Oz Truc sphérique and the Norwegian partner also contributed to this. Thanks to this project, the organisation was able to reinforce the team with an additional person and also recruit more volunteers. The project also established cooperation with local schools and the local Roma community. Networking between local NGOs and active residents of the town was strengthened through open workshops.

The project contributed significantly to the transformation of another dilapidated floor of the Bašta in Bardejov, where the organisation operates, into a space where more civic and cultural activities are carried out. Significant progress in all these areas has been essential for the functioning of the organisation. For a long time, the project implementers felt the need to develop the potential of the Bašta and the community of active people that had formed around it, but the previous capacities (human, financial and spatial) did not allow it. The great importance of the project is perceived by the project implementers in particular in the fact that they managed to move from an operational functioning to a more conceptual one with concrete long-term goals, visions and partnerships.

Project timeline: 06/2020 – 02/2022

Project partner1: Kulturfjøset Huser
Project partner2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 88,637.77 €
Project grant: 79,774 €

Strategic Grants:

PDCS, o.z.
Civic Leaders on Long Runs

Main aim and activites:

The Civic Leaders for the Long Run project focused on building the leadership capacity and resilience of the organisation. It focused on supporting two types of leaders. The first was emerging NGO directors who had recently found themselves in leadership positions. The second group was made up of leaders who are often overworked or burnt out after years in a management position. The project also focused on strengthening organisations, specifically on building their resilience.

The project consisted of seven activities:
Establishment and work of the project advisory committee, Learning Kit for Emerging Leaders – training on building resilience and leadership, Learning Kit for Emerging Leaders – consultancy support for participating organisations, Learning Kit for Emerging Leaders of NGOs – study trip to Norway, Support for senior leaders – peer-coaching programme, Open learning seminars, Final workshop for emerging and senior leaders – in the form of a final workshop of the resilience building programme and an online resilience conference.

As part of the Resilience Building Programme and the Peer-Coaching Programme, the project strengthened the capacity of 59 CSO leaders in the area of organisational resilience. In total, members of more than 110 NGOs and initiatives from across the country participated in project activities.

Project timeline: 08/2020 – 09/2022

Project partner1: Menneskerettighetsakademiet – Human Rights Academy
Project partner2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 116,584.44 €
Project grant: 104,926 €

1. Call Supported projects

Projects supported in the program in 1. Call – Medium and Strategic Grants.

Medium Grants:

Raná starostlivosť, n.o.
Vital Capacity

Main aim and activites:

Due to the growing interest of families and the increasing number of staff, the organisation Raná starostlivosť faced the challenge of better coordination, adjusting the organizational structure and also the organization’s financial sustainability plan. All of these activities were important so that staff could deepen their expertise, share it with each other, and create a functioning transdisciplinary team.

The organization focused not only on professionals but also on parent education. The project implementers identified strategic goals and a training plan that will be offered to the professional and lay public. As part of the project, they also began to focus on the financial sustainability and development of the organization. Two brochures have been published: “Children who learn to see” and “Video training of interactions. Supporting the parent-child relationship.” To raise awareness among the general public about these topics, videos and podcasts have been made available on the organization’s website and Facebook.

The key to sustainability was the creation of a website and the electronic version of the brochures, where families and professionals will find the necessary information about the organization as well as the service and topics it offers them. The courses, which were piloted in the project, will be implemented repeatedly for other new groups of experts and parents thanks to the created professional documents and accreditation material.

Project timeline: 09/2019 – 02/2021

Project partner1: Icelandic National Institute for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Deafblind
Project partner2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 65,000 €
Project grant: 58,500 €

Strategic Grants:

Centrum pre filantropiu n.o.
Improving access to private financing of CSOs

Main aim and activites:

The environment of the non-profit sector needs a stable tool that will enable the long-term acquisition of donations for the organization’s activities via the Internet. Thanks to the DARUJME.sk web platform (DONATE.sk), donors can easily donate one-time and regular donations. Organizations can quickly create a donation page to place on their website. Thanks to DARUJME.sk, the organizations can build relationships with their donors, involve them in the story of the organization and together fulfill its mission.

The goal of all activities was to move the DARUJME.sk platform significantly forward. The main activity was the extension of the donor infrastructure. Within it, the project promoters have programmed a completely new DARUJME 2.0 (DONATE 2.0) which is built on the latest systems and allows continuous development and the addition of new features. It has set up a long-term training program for fundraisers, because the tool alone is not enough – people in involved organizations need to know how to reach donors. Thanks to the project, it was possible to prepare an information campaign on donor calls, which explained what it is and how to use it to raise resources.

During the project, the organizations involved in DARUJME.sk received 354,134 donations from 117,140 donors in the total amount of € 8,141,108. 499 organizations received donations, 200 of which exceeded € 2,000. These values ​​significantly exceeded the planned indicators. As part of the project, 10 organizations agreed to further cooperate with a marketing and communication company. The project promoters managed to convince 300 new organizations that DARUJME.sk is an important part of their fundraising. At the beginning of the project, almost no one used donor calls for the benefit of organizations.

The project was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, too. The involved organizations started to use DARUJME.sk more to obtain resources and the donors helped them also in lockdowns or to keep them even during interrupted activities. DARUJME.sk is currently the only tool of its kind in Slovakia and will continue to operate after the end of the project. The increase in the donated amount in 2020 was 100% and in 2021 36%. It teaches donors to trust online donations, to collect donations for organizations, it also teaches organizations to communicate and fundraise.

Project timeline: 06/2019 – 02/2022

Project partner1: Norsensus Mediaforum
Project partner2: N/A

Project eligible expenditure: 114,729 €
Project grant: 103,256 €
