Projects supported in the program in 3. Call
Strategic Grants:
Foundation for Children of Slovakia
Strategy to promote inclusive education
Main aim and activites:
The Inclusive Education Support Strategy project highlighted the importance of inclusive education and its impact on children in schools and their wider communities. It provided effective methods and practices for teachers and school professionals, emphasizing the education of all children.
The project facilitated discussions about education at all levels within local governments—from founders to providers, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders. It created a valuable space for dialogue among representatives from various cities, including school officials, kindergarten and primary school teachers, parents, parliamentarians, and non-profit sector representatives. Participating municipalities, as well as similar ones across Slovakia, received practical guidelines and effective methods for inclusive education through the publication “Strategy for the Promotion of Inclusive Education for Municipalities.”
School representatives attended experiential learning workshops, which led to a one-day conference and a subsequent workshop for local governments. The project also shared its innovative approach to education through four articles on good practices in schools and municipalities in Slovakia, reaching a wider audience. These efforts provided universal solutions to address or prevent educational challenges faced by schools in different regions of Slovakia.
Project timeline: 10/2021 – 10/2023
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 91 503,33 €
Grant amount: 82 353,00 €
For our water
Protection of drinking water of Žitný ostrov – the highest public interest
Main aim and activites:
Žitný ostrov contains Slovakia‘s largest reservoir of drinking water and one of the largest in Europe. Its abundant water resources, favourable climate, and fertile soil make it an essential agricultural region. The reservoir‘s water quality is excellent, making it a reliable source of drinking water; however, agricultural activity and the use of pesticides are a significant threat to its quality and essential importance as a drinking water reservoir.
The project focused on defending Žitný ostrov’s water resources from threats from agricultural and human activities that threaten its role as a critical drinking water supplier. It aimed to raise awareness among residents about water conservation and pollution risks, particularly from pesticides. Community engagement initiatives were vital in fostering a stronger relationship with water resources. In addition, the project prioritised the development of pesticide monitoring policies, which are essential for protecting water quality and ensuring long-term sustainability. The project essentially advocated for Žitný ostrov‘s water resources through awareness raising, community engagement, and policy implementation.
Community engagement activities have fostered a sense of ownership and responsibility toward local water resources, enabling residents to proactively protect and preserve this invaluable asset. In addition, improved communication and cooperation with water companies, local governments and government institutions have led to more efficient water resource management practices, which have had a positive impact on water quality and sustainability.
Project timeline: 12/2021 – 03/2024
Project Partner 1: Náttúruverndarsamtök Íslands / Iceland Nature Conservation Association
Partner 2 projektu: Duna Vit
Project eligible expenditure: 126 267,78 €
Grant amount: 113 641,00 €
EduGlobe – the way to the implementation of the National Strategy for Global Education
Main aim and activites:
The EduGlobe project has been beneficial in several aspects. In terms of advocacy to political decision-makers, Ambrela’s position as an umbrella organisation of 31 NGOs has highlighted its position as a focal point for government institutions and value-laden political parties with the potential to govern.
Thanks to the EduGlobe project, Ambrela was able to ensure the regularity of the Global Education Working Group meetings as an essential platform for ensuring the progress of advocacy and awareness-raising activities, while having a strong networking and networking character, as representatives of the respective organizations had the opportunity to network and exchange experiences and know-how, which was an added value of the 11 events in total.
An essential part of the project activities were also 6 online discussions, which reflected either on public policy making in relation to the strategy, global inspirations in education, or the challenges of youth in relation to the climate crisis. The project contributed to the expansion of the ecosystem of value-based education in line with external trends and improved the baseline position of Ambrela as well as its member organizations in further developing work in this area for the future.
Project timeline: 10/2021 – 10/2023
Project Partner 1: Centre for Collaborative Learning for Sustainable Development
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 119 098,89 €
Grant amount: 107 189 €
Slovak organization for research and development activities
Slovakia after Covid-19. How will a pandemic change our lives?
Main aim and activites:
The aim of the project was to carry out a participatory process of public policy development in identified key areas in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.The project included an analysis of the further development and adaptation of society to the impact of the pandemic. By engaging researchers and innovators from different fields, the project promoters identified the main challenges and changes affecting post-pandemic developments in society, the economy and everyday life. Based on these analyses, the project promoters formulated recommendations for reforms and policies in selected areas in collaboration with experts from relevant fields.
Forty specialists from different scientific fields, universities, academia and practice were interviewed as part of the project. All interviews were conducted in the form of podcasts, which are published on the project website and major streaming platforms.
Main themes were identified in the interviews with scientists and six expert groups were formed, led by eminent scientists:
Project timeline: 2021-11-1 – 2023-5-31
Project Partner 1: Žijem vedu
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 109 433,34 €
Grant amount: 98 490 €
2. Call Supported Projects
Projects supported in the program in 2. Call
Medium Grants:
Advocacy for sustainable mobility for all
Main aim and activites:
The project responded to the unsatisfactory state of sustainable mobility in Slovakia, especially walking and cycling.
To the greatest extent, the project focused on improving national policies on sustainable mobility. Among the most significant results not only within the project, but in the overall efforts to improve legislation over the last 10 years, is the amendment of the Road Traffic Act, which brought a number of changes in favour of pedestrians and cyclists based on the proposals of the Cyclocoalition.
A number of decisions have been influenced at local level in several Slovak cities. In Bratislava, for example zoning plans, or dozens of constructions were directly influenced through involvement in permitting processes as part of advocacy activities. In other cities it was mainly the development of local civic initiatives (e.g. Ružomberok, Košice, Liptovský Mikuláš).
An important moment of the project was the conference CycloCities 2022, which was organized by the project implementers in May 2022 in Trnava with the participation of leading Slovak and foreign speakers, including representatives of the partner city Reykjavík. Among the participants were the Minister of Transport, members of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic, as well as civic activists.
Project timeline: 10/2020 – 12/2022
Project Partner 1: City of Reykjavik, Department of Environment and Planning
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 71,480 €
Grant amount: 64,332 €
Safety hotlines legislation and cooperation with state rescue services
Main aim and activites:
Helplines often help people in suicidal crisis, victims of crime or violence. They therefore contact the emergency services and carry out the duty to report. However, the current law forgets that the counsellor is not in personal contact with the client and only has the client’s IP address or nickname. However, the emergency services require detailed information (name, age, location, etc.), which the helplines cannot provide, due to the principles of anonymity. In cases where lives are literally at stake, this complicates the process. The project addressed the system of setting up cooperation between emergency services and helplines.
During the project, several round tables and working meetings were held to map the current situation, share experiences and look for optimal solutions. The project implementers developed a professional methodology – Reporting Obligation, in the context of remote crisis intervention on helplines. This is a pilot document describing the procedure of the reporting obligation on helplines. Online Crisis Intervention Courses have been implemented, thanks to which various professionals in the field have acquired competences and professional skills to provide crisis intervention in a remote way. The project culminated in an International Professional Conference, where representatives of domestic and international helplines met and shared their experiences in reporting.
A working group was also set up during the project and is currently drafting a bill on helplines. It will define exactly what a helpline is, what its rights, competences and obligations are. It will also regulate cooperation between helplines and emergency services, thus simplifying the notification process.
Project timeline: 05/2020 – 05/2022
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 71,714.44 €
Grant amount: 64,543 €
Beginning of the development of social agriculture in Slovakia
Main aim and activites:
In Western European countries, linking the agricultural environment with social services is a relatively widespread way of helping disadvantaged people. During the activities in this area, the project implementers found that the situation in the development of this concept in Slovakia is the weakest also among the V4 countries. There was no information, advisory and educational service for those interested in this concept. Also, the concept was not grasped in any strategic documents of public administration and in the related legislation.
Within the framework of the project, a web portal “” was created, 8 advisory centres for social agriculture were established. The project created and implemented a course “Fundamentals of Social Agriculture” in two locations. The project implementers published 5 information and methodological materials, broadcasted 7 live webinars “Let’s talk about social agriculture”. These activities have significantly contributed to the creation of an information, advisory and educational service. Within the framework of the project, an international conference “AGASI – AGRICULTURE AS AN ACTOR OF SOCIAL INCLUSION” was organized, which significantly contributed to the perception of the benefits of the concept of social agriculture by public administration, policy makers and potential stakeholders, and also confirmed the global dimension of its use in practice. A one-hour film “Courtyards that help” was produced, presenting the current state of social farming in Slovakia and the barriers limiting its development.
Project timeline: 06/2020 – 05/2022
Project Partner 1: Norwegian University College for Agriculture and Rural Development
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 93,447.06 €
Grant amount: 79,430 €
Strategic Grants:
Transparency International Slovensko
Where our money go to?
Main aim and activites:
The project “Who is our money flowing to?” was necessary due to the lack of control over the state’s dealings with the private sector and to strengthen the functioning of the anti-defraud law. It was also intended to involve the public in this scrutiny by providing detailed information on the ownership of tourism facilities. With this information, the public can become aware of the importance of transparency in ownership structures and use their money more for ethical purchases.
Main activities carried out – analysing the ownership structures of tourism establishments, pushing through proposals to improve the functioning of the law, involving the civil public in the fight against corruption, public opinion surveys on the ethicality of tourism purchasing.
Main results of the project – a map of hotels and tourism facilities revealing their ownership structure, comments on the anti-corruption register, sharing of international experience on the issue at an international conference organised in Bratislava, trained citizens, published blogs and studies on the topic.
Project timeline: 06/2020 – 05/2023
Project Partner 1: Transparency International Norway
Project Partner 2: Tax Justice Network
Project eligible expenditure: 133.326,67 €
Grant amount: 119,994 €
Pillars of the rule of law
Main aim and activites:
Restoring confidence in the rule of law has long been a central tenet of social discourse. The PP has been dealing with the possibilities to improve the functioning of judicial institutions and bodies and thus contribute to increasing public trust for a long time and systematically. The aim of the project was to focus on key institutions – the Judicial Council, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Constitutional Court (CC), as well as the selection procedures in the judiciary and the disciplinary judiciary, which also influence the overall public perception of the justice system.
To achieve its objectives, the project promoters used activities such as Monitoring of the Judicial Council’s decision-making, Monitoring of disciplinary decisions and application of ethical rules in them, Monitoring of legislative activities of the Government and Parliament. Thanks to the monitoring activities, it made recommendations for systemic changes related to the Judicial Council of the Slovak Republic and judicial ethics and participated in the development of changes to the prosecutor’s laws in cooperation with the professional public. As part of the project, project promoters implemented Advocacy Activities. Through expert statements and opinions, explained to members of the government and MPs the need to adopt changes.
Project timeline: 08/2020 – 05/2023
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 111,020 €
Grant amount: 99,918 €
Slovenská komora učiteľov
Promoting democratization in schools
Main aim and activites:
The project promoter of this project, the Chamber of teachers in Slovakia, is appreciated partner of government authorities and, in sector of education, an expert with deep knowledge. The project aimed to improve the environment of being employed as a teacher in accordance to principles of democracy, participation and inclusion and improve the educational system as a whole.
The project promoter have made in this project numerous activities – for example: organised a large number of educational presentations in 7 topics, later enlarged on 3 more topics, that have been held online due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions.
Among the large number of activities made throughout this project the project promoter during the project lifetime has cooperated in advocating with other expert oraganisations, Ministry of education and on meetings of European commission. The project promoter has conducted its own research, results were presented in media, followed by social media campaign. Based on this research the project promoter will continue in advocating better conditions in education on national level and will have a long-term impact. During the project the project promoter has submitted about 150 legislative comments and has contributed to numerous Legal Acts changes related to this project which are forming the national education system.
Project timeline: 06/2020 – 05/2022
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 107,421.11 €
Grant amount: 96.679 €
Poradňa pre občianske a ľudské práva
Promoting the human rights of the Roma minority through the use of legal remedies and in cooperation with local Roma activists
Main aim and activites:
Systemic discrimination against Roma persists in Slovakia. Roma children are systematically denied the right to education and protection from discrimination in primary education. Investigations into the disproportionate use of police force are also inadequate. The majority of Roma children in Slovakia are educated in purely Roma schools or special classes, leading to poor quality education and an unclear future. The European Commission is pursuing proceedings against Slovakia for breach of the Racial Equality Directive for unlawful segregation of Roma children in mainstream and special education. Investigations into the disproportionate use of police force are still insufficient, and potential racial motivation is not sufficiently explored.
The project has been crucial in eliminating discrimination and other human rights violations against Roma men and women in Slovakia. Throughout the project, the organisation monitored and documented cases of discrimination and other violations of the rights of the Roma minority. Findings from the monitoring were subsequently used in strategic litigation and advocacy activities with responsible state institutions and international human rights institutions. The Civil and Human Rights Counsellor‘s Office has addressed various institutions‘ 29 suggestions for improving policies in this area, organised 14 advocacy meetings and was heavily involved in advocacy activities towards the UN CERD Committee, which addressed relevant recommendations to the Government.
Project timeline: 06/2020 – 05/2023
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 109,900 €
Grant amount: 83,409 €
What protection and support does the current system of women experiencing violence and their children guarantee?
Main aim and activites:
The project aimed to address the question of what protection and support the state provides to women experiencing violence in partner relationships and their children. The goal was to monitor the current state policies and measures for the protection and support of women and children, assess their implementation, and identify deficiencies in the system.
Embarking on a mission to enhance support systems for women facing violence and their children, the project initiated a multifaceted approach. The creation of a specialized Mapping Tool unraveled the complexities of the protection and support framework, guided by insights from data collected through desk research, information requests, and interviews with NGOs and affected women.
This comprehensive initiative yielded several notable outcomes. The development of a sophisticated Mapping Tool provided a strategic resource, instrumental in elucidating the complexities of the system. An exhaustive data collection process, incorporating desk research, targeted interviews, and legislative reviews, resulted in a detailed Report on the System’s Status, offering nuanced insights into both strengths and vulnerabilities.
In an effort to fortify advocacy, the project promoter devised pragmatic tools, including a monitoring system for specific support services, and proposed a precisely structured framework for data collection. The dissemination of findings was carefully executed to reach NGOs, stakeholders, and the broader public through diverse channels such as web publications, social media, and press engagements.
Project timeline: 01/2021 – 09/2023
Project Partner 1: Hana (civil organisation)
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 96 687,88 €
Grant amount: 87 019 €
1. Call Supported Projects
Projects supported in the program in 1. Call
Medium Grants:
Less barrier for more nature benefits
Main aim and activites:
In Slovakia, application of natural tourism in practice is very problematic and it lacks conceptual and legislative support. Thanks to the project, and in cooperation with VIA IURIS organisation, the project promoters prepared a legal analysis of the current state of thematically related legislation of the relevant ministries. At the same time, prepared 3 proposals for specific legislative changes at the national level (Forest Act, Nature Conservation and Mountain Rescue Service). The project promoters also analyzed the status of related strategic documents and prepared 2 pilot proposals for natural tourism development strategies. Due to circumstances and societal constraints, the project promoters have not yet been able to enforce legislative changes at the national level, as well as proposals for regional policies. But, have been involved in the process of approving new nature reserves in the UNESCO World Heritage site and have contributed to the declaration of the Veľký Bukovec nature reserve.
The project promoters have also been involved in the EIA process, in petitions or in commenting on the zoning plan of national parks. The project promoters created 3 nature tourism platforms, established 11 new partnerships and involved almost 5,000 people.
Project timeline: 06/2019 – 07/2021
Project Partner 1: Linking Tourism & Conservation Society (LT&C)
Project Partner 2: VIA IURIS
Project eligible expenditure: 79 969,50 €
Grant amount: 71 972 €
Stredoeurópsky inštitút pre výskum práce (Central European Labour Studies Institute, CELSI)
I want to work, who will help me? Enhancing cooperation between policy makers and the non-profit sector in integrating disadvantaged people into the labor market
Main aim and activites:
The project responded to the lack of information and data on the integration of people with disabilities from the perspective of key actors (trade unions, employers, government and NGOs) and helped to network and work more closely together. The project was beneficial in terms of bringing new perspectives for people with disabilities work integration, based on the Norwegian model and European practice (eg broader definition of people with disabilities, the principle of “first place, then train”, emphasis on cooperation with employers and unions in the integration process, emphasis on rehabilitation). The project gathered experience and knowledge from a total of 35 actors and 47 actors were networked at round tables.
The result is a detailed mapping of legislation, implementation practices and cooperation between actors in the integration of people with disabilities. Based on the experience of Slovak actors, mapping the Norwegian model, it was possible to formulate recommendations for the creation of public policies to improve the tools of integration of people with disabilities in Slovakia.
Project timeline: 07/2019 – 06/2021
Project Partner 1: University of South-Eastern Norway, Department of Health, Social and Welfare Studies
Project Partner 2: Inštitút pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť
Project eligible expenditure: 79,901 €
Grant amount: 71,910 €
Inštitút pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť
Participatory Creation of Community Plan of Social Services: Pilot Project Karlova Ves
Main aim and activites:
The project helped to improve social services community planning – as well as a long-term manual and training of officials. Overall, thanks to the project, it was possible not only to make the analytical part of community plans of social services on the basis of precise data collection, but also to create a tool for other municipalities, which will also be used in social workers.
Thanks to the analysis of social services community plans of 30 largest municipalities, the project promoters have identified weaknesses, tested their procedures (also with the involvement of innovative methods – such as an emotional map and created a manual).
The manual was distributed by the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia to all local governments and will be used as teaching material at the Department of Social Work at Trnava University, it will also be used by members of the Association of Social workers. The PP also conducted a targeted communication campaign, which created video and animated video, and through direct mail marketing we reached stakeholders (46) in the field of social affairs.
Project timeline: 06/2019 – 02/2021
Project Partner 1: Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied
Project Partner 2: Mestská časť Karlova Ves
Project eligible expenditure: 50,275.88 €
Grant amount: 45,248 €
Škola dokorán – Wide Open School
REYN Slovakia – A network of educators working with Roma children at an early childhood
Main aim and activites:
The project promoter is the founder of the Slovak office of an international network REYN – Roma Early Years Network. In this project, the project promoter aimed to widen the member base and educational skills of members and to strengthen the relationship with state authorities to advocate for improvement in the approach to the education of the Roma community, in which REYN is an expert.
The project promoter widened the number of members and provided them with educational development training. The project promoter organized international meetings with REYN organizations from other countries to share best practices. While operating in the regions with a high Roma population, the project promoter agreed to cooperate with ten local organizations where the project promoter delivered Action plans.
Throughout the project, the project promoter conducted research and published an Evaluation Study on the inclusion of children in early years with special education needs in Slovakia. The project promoter promoted project activities via social media. The project promoter built the campaign on the success stories of 11 Roma people with their own inspiring stories.
Project timeline: 06/2019 – 04/2022
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 60,087.54 €
Grant amount: 54,078 €
Defense of public interest in sustainable mobility
Main aim and activites:
People who cycle to work have a 52% lower risk of dying from a heart attack. Cycling to work combines physical activity with being in the fresh air, which contributes to mental well-being. Cycling is an environmentally friendly mode of transport that does not generate CO2 emissions. These are just a few of the benefits of cycling and cycling transport, the development of which is also the focus of the Cyklocoalition.
At the national level, the most significant outcome of the project was the changes to the traffic sign ordinance, initiated through a mass comment and comments on the National Climate and Energy Plan. Other policies, such as the Air Protection Strategy, the Road Safety Strategy and the Government‘s Programme Statement, were also affected. The project also conducted more than 20 meetings in 6 ministries, which resulted in improved perception and more robust support for the topic from the government.
An important activity of the project is the court case on the construction of the Bratislava waterfront to improve the situation for pedestrians and cyclists directly and set a precedent for environmental protection in proceedings with the Ministry of the Environment and the District Authority. Other legal acts concerned the right of access to information. Citizens‘ initiatives continued to penetrate several cities to improve sustainable mobility. The Cyklocoalition provided Follow EIA tools and a bicycle route map with the possibility of adding suggestions.
Project timeline: 06/2019 – 04/2021
Project Partner 1: Syklistenes Landsforening
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 79,204 €
Grant amount: 71,283 €
Za našu vodu
Drinking water as an existential public interest
Main aim and activites:
The most important output of the project is the three policy proposals, which are based on the results of research (sampling) and work on topics throughout the project. Water monitoring has shown that drinking water sources do not carry out a comprehensive survey of the pesticides used and may enter the drinking water unnoticed. The first proposal was therefore a proposal to streamline the monitoring of pesticide use in Slovakia for Ministry of work and social affairs. Further work showed that there are about 100 sources of water contamination in the territory of Bratislava, while the monitoring network of Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute is insufficient. The third proposal was the elaboration of a draft law on the tightening of protection zones of strategic water resources sent to the Ministry of the Environment. Today, these protection zones are being systematically stopped by developers, which makes it impossible to use water for future generations.
The civic association actively contributed to the development of public policies at the local, regional and national levels, which in their activities are based on real, measurable and high-quality data. It has thus contributed to the improvement of forthcoming public policies, legal norms and public decisions and has filled the gaps where the government does not perform well. Through its activities and press releases, the civic association has also complemented the work of independent media to provide critical feedback on social events and governance.
Project timeline: 07/2019 – 03/2021
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 39,454.44 €
Grant amount: 35,509 €
Strategic Grants:
Children don’t wait!
Main aim and activites:
The project was focused on developing network of stakeholders in education and enhancing this network to the level of permanent Platform, in short called SKAV. The Platform contributes to regional and national legislative processes in the field of education with its expertise and insights.
The project promoter developed a network of 12 stakeholders in education in 8 regions of Slovakia and all together constituted the National Platform SKAV. All activities done by the project promoter throughout this project led to a memorandum of 70 members called Partnership for education 2030+. The project promoter hosted numerous public debates, many of which were streamed online. The project promoter was involved in legislative processes and made a significant contribution to the expert debates on the legislation of education in Slovakia, proceeded comments to the project “Programme Slovakia” and participated in the project “Recovery Plan”. The project promoter has become an authority and appreciated partner with expertise in the field of education. All the job made was strengthened by an international partner from Island and both partners are planning to follow up on established cooperation.
Thanks to activities in this project, the project promoter had an unexpected opportunity to launch an educational TV show for Roma children called “Tumenca Khere”.
Project timeline: 07/2019 – 08/2022
Project Partner 1: Spolok SKIS – félag slóvakíska á Íslandi
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 105,645.56 €
Grant amount: 95,081 €
Občan, demokracia a zodpovednosť
Let us take seriously the needs of women in childbirth! Together, we promote the human rights of women in public health policies
Main aim and activites:
Women in Slovakia constantly report experiencing one or more types of mistreatment in health facilities, such as loss of autonomy, being shouted at or threatened, and being ignored, refused, or receiving no response to requests for help, etc. The project promoter identified massive violations of women’s human rights in maternal healthcare and childbirth, and the project’s main goal was to improve the experience of maternal healthcare in health facilities. Once the COVID-19 pandemic arose, the situation got even worse. The project promoter aimed to take an active approach to improve maternal healthcare and related issues and, in cooperation with partners from Norway, conducted very ambitious research, data collection, and media campaign. In partnership with the project partner, the project promoter prepared and distributed a survey to capture lived experiences of maternity care, known as CEQ. Analyzed data collected, the project promoter published a comprehensive report in an International expert journal and consulted information gained with state authorities to advocate for necessary system changes.
Giving birth is the most precious moment in our lives for both men and women. Especially women are in a vulnerable position, and it is a matter of human rights to provide women throughout pregnancy and childbirth with high-quality healthcare standards and welcoming and supportive behaviors in perinatal encounters. High-quality, respectful maternity care is a global priority.
Project timeline: 05/2019 – 05/2022
Project Partner 1: Faculty of Health Science, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University
Project Partner 2: Ženské kruhy
Project eligible expenditure: 132,994.44 €
Grant amount: 119,695 €
We want better and more effective nature protection
Main aim and activites:
The Project promoter set 4 activities heading to the overall goal to increase the quality of sustainable landsccape and environment management and protection by collecting and analysing relevant data, make a closer look at managing and spending the EU funds by the state authorities, and contribute to new complex concept of national regulation of environment and landscape protection in Slovakia called Strategy of the Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030 „Greener Slovakia“ in close connection with field experts and wide public.
During the project lifetime the project promoter delivered 2 reviews of Strategy of the Environmental Policy of the Slovak Republic until 2030, draft proposal of National strategy of enivonmental and lanscape protection and very detailed data-based draft of Natural landscapes and semi-natural cultivated landscapes with a high value for securing biodiversity evaluation system, all these documents having the national importance.
The activities in this project brought significant improvement of national legal framework when it comes to protection of environment, landscape and biodiversity as mentioned above and the project promoter achieved wider public engangement which is neccessery for every system change. This project represent the most complex data based documents in this field and will be used for upcoming national legal changes.
Project timeline: 06/2019 – 06/2022
Project Partner 1: My sme les
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 99,910.80 €
Grant amount: 89,919 €
Aliancia Fair-play
Proposals to: increase credibility and create the conditions for more effective and faster action by law enforcement agencies
Main aim and activites:
The project responded to a situation where courts convicted defendants more than 10 years after committing a crime. The project promoters used 15 criminal proceedings that initiated before and during the project. In the monitored cases, the investigator decided on the prosecution in an average of 208 days, in 3 cases he decided only after more than 300 days, once he did not even make a decision even after two years. As the investigator does not have full powers to obtain evidence at this stage, delays are a major problem. It was not possible to objectify the extent of the mentioned delays. The police are said to be unable to compile statistics on the length of proceedings between the filing of a criminal complaint and the investigator’s decision to prosecute. The data are in the unconnected IS of individual subordinate police departments and are not connected to the IS of the prosecutor’s office either. If the investigator decides not to prosecute, the whistleblower has only three working days to file a complaint with the prosecutor. He does not have a deadline for a decision.
Following the prosecutor’s decision on the complaint against the postponement of the criminal prosecution by the investigator, the law does not guarantee the possibility of an appeal or an independent second-instance review of the prosecutor’s decision.
The project promoters have developed 11 proposals to speed up investigation procedures. Ministry of Justice reacted to submit changes to speed up this phase of the investigation. The current police president has also agreed to meet on this topic, the date has not been set yet.
The project promoters also commented on the relevant 13 legislative proposals and submitted a total of 120 comments. Approximately one third of them were subsequently accepted / partially accepted.
Project timeline: 05/2019 – 01/2022
Project Partner 1: N/A
Project Partner 2: N/A
Project eligible expenditure: 105,894.44 €
Grant amount: 95,305 €