Supported projects

Projects supported in the open call of the Bilateral Fund.

Občianske združenie Vidiecky parlament na Slovensku

Main aim and activites:

The project responded to the current need for young people to share their views by working abroad under the guidance of trained staff and improving communication skills. The importance of addressing the theme of the project was highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has isolated young people in their homes and tied them to social networks more strongly than ever before.

The procedures and activities used at the time of project implementation were adopted by representatives of educational institutions at the end of the project in order to improve the quality of formal education. The project produced a video which in an attractive and peer-friendly way (because it was made by 16-18 year old teenagers from Iceland) was an example of successful young activists in advocacy in public policies and decision-making processes and an excellent tool for 2 workshops in secondary schools as well as for youth workers, to whom we also provided the original. There was also a networking workshop where Icelandic partners made contacts with young activists and youth workers who expressed strong interest in travelling to Iceland, working together and continuing to collaborate in future projects. Educational activities for youth took place both in Slovakia (Lišov) and in Iceland (Hamarinn in Hafnarfjörður). A total of 125 young people participated in the project activities.

Project timeline: 09/2020 – 02/2021

Project partner 1: Landsbyggðin lifi – LBL
Project partner 2:

Project eligible expenditure: 10,000 €
Grant amount: 10,000 €
