Since the beginning of the Active Citizens Fund – Slovakia program, we have encountered many examples of good practice and positive results from supported projects. We want to share with you exceptional stories that have left a mark. Another project that we want to present to you in this mini video series is aimed at initiating large-scale systemic changes in nature protection with the aim of increasing the quality and efficiency of nature protection in Slovakia and opening a wider public discussion about these changes.
Within the project, o.z. PRALES was actively involved in the creation of the new Nature and Landscape Protection Concept until 2030 and developed a proposal for specific changes in the Nature and Landscape Protection Act. The project also includes watchdog activities aimed at monitoring and evaluating the spending of financial resources (EU funds, national resources) intended for nature protection. The project is also closely related to the goals of the civic initiative MY FOREST, which wants to stop devastation in national parks and supports better nature protection. WE ARE THE FOREST as part of the project covered the activity “Nature protection also concerns you”, the subject of which was the preparation and implementation of a campaign aimed at the public with the aim of obtaining public support for systemic changes in nature protection and a review of the system of protected areas in Slovakia.
The project was supported in the 1st call in the topic Defense of public interests – strategic grants You can watch a video about this project here: