20 calls
188 projects supported
214 civil society organisations supported
Left their mark. Active Citizens Fund – Slovakia has challenged the notion that individuals or small groups of people have no possibility to influence society and its direction. The programme has become a powerful tool for creating a better and fairer society. By supporting active citizens, real changes have been made that have improved the quality of life of people in different communities. See how.
Left their mark – Civil Society Organisations in Slovakia: challenges and perspectives
Left their mark – Civil Society Organisations in Slovakia: challenges and perspectives Has it ever been good for the non-governmental non-profit sector in Slovakia? What are the current challenges facing…
Zobraziť viacThemes
Increased citizen participation in civic activities
Increasing citizen participation in decision making and public policies formation.
Strengthened civil society advocacy and watchdog role
Supporting good governance and increasing transparency.
Increased support for human rights and civic education
Increased support for human rights and civic education.
Vulnerable groups empowered
Improving the position of vulnerable groups in the society.
Enhanced capacity and sustainability of civil society
Enhancing capacity and sustainability of civil society.
Bilateral Fund
Exchanging experiences, know-how and good practices between organisations.
Left their mark
Since the beginning of the Active Citizens Fund – Slovakia programme, we have encountered a number of examples of good practice and positive results from supported projects. We want to share with you the stories that have left their mark.

Show moreSince the beginning of the Active Citizens Fund – Slovakia program, we have encountered many examples of good practice and…
Fewer barriers for more benefit from nature
Show moreFewer barriers for more benefit from nature Natural tourism (Ecotourism) is an effective and commonly used tool in the world,…
So that agriculture can help the disadvantaged in Slovakia as well
Show moreSo that agriculture can help the disadvantaged in Slovakia as well Mainly in the countries of Western Europe, but also…
Useful links
Official webpage The EEA and Norway Grants funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. | www.eeagrants.org |
Official webpage of Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic on EEA and Norwegian grants | www.eeagrants.sk |
Official webpage for finding partners in donor countries managed by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee | www.ngonorway.org |